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Everything You Need to Know About Chives


Chives is a very popular kitchen herb that is very traditionally used in Italian cuisine. It is part of the onion family and can add a lot of flavors to a great variety of dishes. Chives produces a beautiful purple flower that is also edible and is full of flavor.

Grow From Seed

Growing your own Herb Garden is fun and often way cheaper than buying the same herbs at your local supermarket. Chives is very easy to grow from seeds and needs only little care.


Chives loves a lot of sun, so be sure to find a good spot for it! The ideal is to place your pots on a windowsill. If you are planting outside, wait for temperature to be around 70°F. Soil temperature should be at least 50-55°F. Chives can spread easily in your garden if you do not pay attention. Cut off the flower as soon as it appears if you want to limit the spread of the seeds.

Plant Your Seeds

Plant your seeds about ¼ inch deep and space them 1 to 2 inches apart so your Chives plants will have space to grow. If you are planting outside (not in a container), make sure to space the seeds 12 to 16 inches.


Until sprouting, make sure the soil is always moist. It should not be swinging in water, but it should be wet enough. A well moist soil is essential for sprout germination. Check the soil every day and start watering as soon as you see the soil getting dryer.

Did You Know?

In the past, bunches of chives were traditionally hanged in homes to ward off evils. It was also used in divination, especially by gypsies for fortune telling.


Chives seeds will typically sprout in 14 to 21 days. Once the plant starts to grow you can limit watering to every other day. Just make sure the soil does not dry, and that your plant always gets plenty of sun light.


You will be able to start harvesting Chives within 2 to 3 months once plant is about 6 to 8 inches in height. Cut the leaves just above soil level (1-2 inches from the soil).


Chives has been used in traditional medicines for centuries. It is believed to help with lowering blood pressure, relieve stomach pain and prevent bad breath.

Create Space

Once your plant reaches 3 to 4 inches in height, you will want to create more space for them. Start by thinning the weaker sprouts to make space for the stronger ones. Cut the stem at the soil level.


Chives develops beautiful purple flower that you can also use in your recipes as they are edible. If you leave the flower on the plant, it will start producing seeds which will soon spread all around your garden, so be mindful of that. The best is to cut off the flower as soon as it appears and use it in your dishes if you like the flavor. And this is a good way to impress your guests!


In your garden you can use Chives instead of insecticides as it contains chemical that have a repellent effect against most types of pest insects.