How to Choose the Right Bonsai Pot for your Bonsai Tree
A bonsai tree is only dignified when in the right pot. The choice of the pot is really important and needs to fill aesthetic as well as technical requirements.
A good bonsai tree pot needs to have drainage holes and wiring holes so that the tree can be fixed to the pot. They are usually made of ceramic or porcelain, but some pots are also made of concrete, plastics and certain metals.
Masculine or feminine
Some bonsai trees are considered masculine (old bark, deadwood, thick trunk, dense branches) and should preferably go into what is considered a more masculine pot for better harmony. Masculine pots are usually rectangular or square. Bonsai trees that are considered feminine will have curves, smooth bark and sparse branches, and should go into a feminine pot, usually round or oval.
The size of the pot is important for aesthetic reasons: if the pot is too big, the bonsai tree will not be highlighted correctly, and if the pot is too small the bonsai tree will look oversized and ridiculous. But most importantly, the size of the pot is very important for the health of your bonsai tree. Ideally, the pot size should be anywhere between ⅓ and ⅔ of the height of the bonsai tree.
The color and design of your pot are also important, and will participate in the general aesthetic aspect of your tree. You can choose a color that is present in the tree (in the flowers, the fruits, the leaves, or the trunk). Or you can work with contrasting colors like blue or cool green. Remember that the main goal here is to create harmony.