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Why Should I Grow my Own Kitchen Herbs?

Kitchen Herbs

Healthier Choice

Compared to buying your kitchen herbs at your local supermarket, growing your own herbs is a much healthier choice. Herbs found in supermarkets usually contains a lot of chemical and pesticides. When you grow your own herbs, you have the guarantee that they will be free from any harmful substance!

Increased Freshness

Nothing compares to the incredible flavor of fresh basil or parsley. They are much more tasteful than dried herbs. And even when you buy fresh herbs at your supermarket, they often have been cut a few days prior minimum, which makes them loose some flavor. Plus, you ensure to always have the herb you need on-hand. No need for last minute run to the supermarket before cooking anymore. Everything is right at your fingertip just when you need it!

Save money

Growing your own kitchen herbs will help you save a lot of money. Fresh herbs at your local supermarket are usually expensive, even more if you are buying them at the farmer’s market. And who hasn’t thrown away a bunch of herbs because they are only available in these big handful lots while you only need a few? When growing your own kitchen herbs, you only cut what you need, and leave the rest for later.

Relax your Mind

It is scientifically proven than gardening can help relax the mind, improve focus and relieve stress. Plus, kitchen herbs like Basil or Cilantro smell amazing so it will give your home some freshness, similar to what fresh flowers would. Give yourself some break in your crazy busy days and enjoy the rewarding experience of seeing what you sow grow into a big healthy plant. You can also share this activity with your kids, it has a lot of greatness for them too. Check out this great article on How Growing Their Own Kitchen Herbs Can Benefit Your Kids.

Help the Planet

Many produce items that are available at our local supermarkets come from all over the world, including kitchen herbs. By growing your own herbs, you reduce the environmental footprint which is very important for the future of our planet.